Ormiston Mansion was featured on Philebrity.com. View the article here: https://www.philebrity.com/blog/ormiston-mansion
Book Signing and Discussion by Author & RHS President Tom Elsasser
Spring 2021-2022 Newsletter
Check out the Spring 2021-2022 Newsletter!
Manhunt at Ormiston!
This month has been very exciting at Ormiston. Apple TV+ chose Ormiston as the site for a streaming series called “Manhunt.” It’s the story of the 12-day hunt for John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated President Lincoln. The assassination scenes are at the Merriam Theater. The next scene takes place at Ormiston, where one of Booth’s accomplices attacks Secretary of State Seward, who is asleep in his bed (situated in our board room!) The entire mansion, inside and outside, underwent massive renovation to capture the 1865 style, and will be returned to its original state after filming, to make it historically correct for 1798.
This link is an update about other actors and their roles.
Rob has been taking pictures of the house during its transformation and return to “normalcy.” We hope to have some kind of viewing at Ormiston once the movie is released.
Letter from the President (May '22)
To All Members of RHS and Friends,
After a sustained COVID delay, we are pleased to send out our current newsletter that offers a summary of our recent activities and exciting plans for the remainder of 2022.
Since COVID hit in early spring 2020, all of our activities were limited to those exterior to the mansion itself. Using the help of our members and numerous volunteer gardeners, we were able to continue the upgrade and beautification of Ormiston’s grounds during 2020 and 2021. Those of you that have occasion to drive through East Fairmount Park have probably noticed how our grounds continue to improve and enhance the overall park experience for children, families, and other community members. Hikers and passersby take time to access the Boxer Trail, walk through the garden, help us plant the garden, and enjoy family picnics on the front lawn. In addition, we had a nature study program for 4th graders from The Philadelphia School, a fashion show orchestrated by Central High School, and a summer meeting of the Philadelphia Weavers.
Some very exciting things are planned for the remainder of 2022. On June 5 at 2:30 pm, we hosted a combined RHS and DBE luncheon to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee. Look for a review of the event with accompanying pictures in our next newsletter, in social media, and on the website under “Mansion News.”
After not holding our annual Wassail for two years, it will return in early December as in prior years. For many, it is a great kick-off for the holiday season – stay tuned to receive an invitation later in the fall. There are several other fall events in the planning stage, including Ormiston’s annual fashion show that normally occurs in the spring. Details will be available on social media and by invitations. Also remember to start using the new calendar on our website at www.ormistonmansion.org.
We could not sustain Ormiston without the financial help of our friends and members. If you have not renewed your membership or desire to join, please do so at your earliest convenience. There are a number of costly maintenance projects in the near term, and we need your continued support to keep Ormiston functional and the interior beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing all of you later in 2022,
Tom Elsasser, President RHS