You can see examples of Community Gardens all around Philadelphia. But did you ever think about all the things that need to happen to make a garden dream come true? Wanda is a little girl who finds an old thorn bush in a vacant lot. She thinks it might be a rosebush and starts to dream of having her very own rose garden. See how she gets her neighbors involved in making her dream come true!
We’ll begin by reading the story of Wanda in Wanda’s Roses, and acting it out like a play! Next we’ll look at examples of SPIRALS IN NATURE, including roses! Then we will make tissue paper rosebuds to take home as Valentine’s gifts. Come join the fun, for adults or kids! Ormiston is at 2000 Reservoir Drive, East Fairmount Park.
Come to Ormiston Mansion on Sunday January 5 for our first Sunday Funday of 2025. Our featured book will be Snowflake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. It’s about a boy who loved nature and figured out how to photograph snowflakes. He made over 2500 photographs of snowflakes and discovered they all had SIX POINTS! This book is required reading in elementary schools in Vermont, where Bentley lived and grew up.
We will take a winter walk down the Boxer Trail, looking for signs of winter and spring. Then we will come inside and learn how to cut and fold our own SIX-POINTED snowflakes! Text Claire at 215-771-0046 for more info. Tell us if you are coming so we have enough snacks and materials.
It's another SUNDAY FUNDAY at Ormiston Mansion and Gardens. Our BOOK OF THE DAY is Petunia's Christmas by Roger DuVoisin.
Petunia, a pet goose, is most distressed. Her friend Charles is being fattened to eat for Christmas dinner! She decides to make and sell Christmas ornaments to buy his freedom. INSIDE we will make our own ornaments- to take home or to decorate an inside tree as part of the holiday decorations in the mansion.
OUTSIDE we will put red ornaments on a white spruce tree that we use as our "X" plant in the alphabet garden. (We call it our XMAS TREE.)
It's another SUNDAY FUNDAY at Ormiston Mansion and Gardens. Our first topic on Sunday November 3 is VEGETABLES! Our BOOK OF THE DAY is Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. Can you name a vegetable for every letter of the alphabet? OUTSIDE we'll look for vegetables and herbs in Omiston's alphabet garden. INSIDE we'll unpack a grocery bag full of vegetables to see what letters we have, and what letters are missing. Next we'll EAT some vegetables and vegetable soup! Think! What part of each vegetable plant are you eating? Leaves? Roots? Stems? Flowers? Seeds?