Honorary British Consul Retires December 2024

Oliver St. Clair Franklin, OBE, CBE, Honorary British Consul of Philadelphia and Honorary Member of the Board of the Royal Heritage Society, has announced his retirement effective at the end of 2024. Appointed in September, 1998, he has served for 26 years and 3 months. As a result of his efforts many members of the Royal Family have visited Philadelphia. On many occasions, the Royals included stops at Ormiston Mansion to meet and greet the RHS Board and its membership. These City-wide stop-overs arranged by Franklin resulted in strengthening bonds of friendship and commerce with the UK. Thank you, Oliver, for all that you have done for the RHS.

Oliver St Clair Franklin on the left with RHS President T. Michael Poxon, Esq.

Commonwealth of Nations Gala: An Evening of Merry Music, Dining and Dancing Held at the Highlands Mansion

Susan Gerrity organized a special fundraising event, the Commonwealth of Nations Gala, which took place on Sunday September 29th, 2024 at the Highlands Mansion in Fort Washington. The event was a smashing success with nearly 100 guests in attendance. Susan has spearheaded this gala event every two years for the past twenty years. On a biennial schedule, Susan has brought together the Commonwealth Committee whose members have come from a diverse group of 25 Commonwealth Organizations in Philadelphia. Organizations represented on the committee include: the English-Speaking Union (ESU), the DBE, the RHS, the Society of St. George, the St. Andrews Society, the Welsh Society, the Irish Center, Team Jamaica Bickle, Antigua & Barbuda, Trinidad & Tobago and others.

Early in January 2024, the Commonwealth Committee started planning this gala. The committee members first decided that the gala would be held at the Highlands Mansion on September 29th, 2024. Other details fell into place as more meetings were held. These committee meetings have always been held at Ormiston Mansion which has been a perfect central location for the diverse membership.

The very successful gala event benefited this year: Special Olympics Pennsylvania. Because of attendance ticket sales along with generous contributions of sponsors, a handsome amount was donated to the nonprofit Special Olympics Pennsylvania. Monies from silent auction items and raffle tickets to win donated baskets further enhanced the coffers. The Special Olympics provides year-round sports training as well as athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Congratulations go out to the Commonwealth Committee for their diligence in making the Commonwealth of Nations Gala such an overwhelming success.

Guests gathered inside the Highlands Mansion since the intended garden party moved indoors because of rain.

Pig Roast Picnic

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in late summer, a festive Pig Roast picnic took place on the front lawn of Ormiston Mansion. Long-term board member and former President of the Royal Heritage Society, Phyllis Fox, spearheaded this fantastic September feast as she has done many times. Phyllis knows a quality retail seller of whole hogs. From this South Philly butcher, she always has secured the very best hog. It is always prepared and ready to be served as the center piece of the picnic. The delicious spread set out upon tables on Ormiston’s porch included fresh rolls, salads, delicious fixings and homemade pickles. Additionally, scrumptious deserts including President Michael Poxon’s homemade lemon squares tempted the guests to indulge after they had eaten their pork sandwich meals.

Tables and chairs were set out under Ormiston’s large shade trees. RHS members along with their guests were assembled for hours catching up on their friends’ summertime adventures. It was a scrumptious and leisurely afternoon which everyone enjoyed surrounded by the tranquil beauty of Ormiston’s gardens.

Former president Tom Elsasser displaying the pig before carving

Jolly Afternoon Tea Party Celebration

Long time RHS Board member Susan Gerrity along with Susan Jablokov, RHS Event Chair, organized A Jolly British Afternoon Tea which took place at Ormiston Mansion on Sunday June 30th, 2024. Two local groups joined to make the the Jolly Tea a great success: the Royal Heritage Society (RHS) housed in the mansion and the Tredyffrin Chapter of the Daughters of the British Empire (DBE). The RHS and the DBE drew a large crowd which assembled indoors for the afternoon tea since rain storms cancelled the Jolly Tea as an outdoor event. After the traditional tea complete with dainty tea sandwiches, scones, sherry and Pims were served in the upstairs reception rooms, the afternoon entertainment began in the downstairs front parlor. It was spectacular when three different dance groups performed for the assembled guests: Morris Dancers, Irish Dancers and Scottish Dancers.

A troupe called the Renegade Morris Dancers who had bells on their costumes performed on the front path despite rain showers as well as inside the mansion. Watching these traditional Morris Dancers was a great treat. These dancers were a mixed group of both young and older men, women and children. Morris Dancing involves rhythmic foot stamping along with stylized, choreographed movements. A group of young ladies from the Campbell School of Scottish Highland Dance followed the Morris group. The dancers bedecked in their Scottish tartans dazzled all with their balletic dance moves including high jumps along with intricate arm and footwork. They included in their performance a Sword Dance and a Highland Fling dazzling all with their high leaps. The Cummins School of Irish Dancing ended the afternoon’s entertainment. The Jenkintown based young ladies dressed in colorful costumes put on a great show. Their very fast footwork dazzled while the dancers held their backs straight and their arms by their sides.

The Jolly Afternoon Tea was a delightful success for all lucky enough to attend.

Morris Dancers on the Front Path

Scottish Dancers doing their highland dance in the front parlor

Cummins School of Irish Dance perform in their colorful costumes

2024 Candlelight Wassail

Royal Heritage Members and their guests plan to usher in the 2024 holiday season by attending the RHS’s annual traditional Scottish Wassail held as always at Ormiston Mansion, the society’s 1798 home.  Ormiston will be decorated in all its best holiday finery. This year’s Wassail will be held on Wednesday December 4th, 2024 from 6:30 PM until 9:30 PM. The Ormiston front parlor Christmas tree will dazzle guests as they walk through the front door.  The tree will sport that special Ormiston WOW factor. It will be festooned with red plaid ribbons,  gleaming ornaments and sparkling lights.

The evening festivities will begin in the mansion’s first floor dining room where copious hors d’oeuves and holiday drinks will be served in the mansion’s dining room. After guests have enjoyed these, they will move to the large second-floor reception room where a holiday dinner will be served buffet style with traditional favorites.  In the adjacent President’s Room, an assortment of deserts will be available along with coffee and tea for all to enjoy after their holiday meal. 

Following the Wassail’s buffet dinner, the evening’s highlight is the caroling that occurs when all the guests return to the first-floor front parlor.  In recent years, Jack Williams, long-time RHS member, has played the piano and led the guests in singing well known Christmas carols.   As in past years at the end of the evening, everyone will sing the British hymn, Jerusalem, written by William Blake.  Jerusalem, considered the alternative British national anthem, ends the evening on a high note.

This year the RHS will honor former President, Tom Elsasser.  Tom Elsasser, a graduate of the US Naval Academy with a distinguished Naval career, upon his retirement served for many years as President of the Royal Heritage Society.

Invitations have been mailed to the 2024 membership.  The cost for the Wassail is $55 for members and $60 for their guests.  Please make checks payable to:  Royal Heritage Society.  Mail to:  Susan Jablokov; PO Box 403 Wayne, PA  19087;  information: 215-470-3562; sjablokov@yahoo.com.

RSVP no later than November 30th, 2024.