Have you been to the Alphabet Garden lately?
On March 28, Power Corps sent a crew of 12 to help us with spring cleanup. Then we were ready to start placing the pastel logs that were donated to us by Bill and Kris Schaffer. They were the creators of the “Eye Candy” exhibit at this year’s Flower Show in Philadelphia.
On Sunday, April 2, the work continued with our garden volunteers and three Polish neighbors of Claire’s, including Nadia, age 11, who currently attends an International School in Austria. She is fluent in three languages: Polish, German, and English. Her favorite subject is art, but outside of school her favorite pastime is TikTok.
Nadia began by taking a walk on the Boxer Trail. Then, after helping move logs, she volunteered to come back the next day and help Claire finish painting this year’s alphabet letters, a project begun by parents and children who take part in our outdoor education program at Ormiston.
In the meantime, our house manager Rob focused on getting us a watering system to actually GROW something in the garden. On April 7, he and four other Power Corps volunteers spent the afternoon digging trenches and laying hoses – first steps toward our new drip irrigation system.
Visit us in the garden and we’ll find ways for you to help us with our flowers and vegetables. Just ask!