Sunday, November 3 was our first Sunday Funday for the 2024-2025 garden year. We read a book called Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z. Our outdoor activity involved walking through our alphabet garden to look for end of year vegetables lingering in the garden... a few tomatoes, a few tiny potatoes a pepper, a lone eggplant, some malabar spinach, beans, black-eyed peas and a popular little vegetable called a Mexican gherkin - a vegetable that looks like a tiny watermelon but tastes like a lime-infused cucumber. We also looked for seeds in a pumpkin and planted the pumpkin to see if we get a pumpkin plant next spring, Inside, we had fun sorting a big collection of vegetables donated by Whole Foods. Then we ate some yummy vegetable soup. Whole Foods Market donated so many vegetables that we donated several big boxes to the Philly House Homeless Shelter. Thank you to Whole Foods Market for being such a good neighbor!
Garden Chair Claire Passantino enjoying some soup