Ormiston Mansion Showcased in Manhunt

On March 9, Ormiston Mansion held an afternoon event where the Apple TV production of the TV series Manhunt was highlighted. In 2022, Apple TV used Ormiston Mansion to film the opening scenes where an assassin attempts to kill President Lincoln’s Secretary of State Seward was attempted unsuccessfully. It occurred on the same night that Lincoln himself was assassinated. The film was released on Apple TV in 2024. This stunning series can still be viewed on Apple TV.

Board members including Tom Elsasser, Rob D’Amico and Matthew who worked in the Mansion during the filming discussed how the interior and exterior of the 1798 mansion were transformed to look like a Civil War era mansion.

A large crowd of historical fans of Manhunt were enthralled with the photos of the house. All loved the anecdotes of how the film crew brought to life the foiled assassination attempt on Seward in a 2nd floor room that became a bedroom

Ormiston Board members provided wonderful refreshments. It was a great afternoon where Ormiston Mansion itself was showcased as a set of a Civil War famous historical event.